Title USSIMO spectroradiometer raw data time series (2017) measured under the dome of a light observatory in the Arctic (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Norway)
Domain: Natural sciences, Field: Physics, Subfield: Optics
Published 2021-05-19
Jørgen Berge
Stephen Grant
Rune Bjørgum
Jonathan H. Cohen
David McKee
Geir Johnsen
Artur Zolich
Tomasz Piotr Kopec
Daniel Ludwig Vogedes
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
Dataset (421.28 MB)
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard, Norway) in January 2017. The observatory consists of an array of light sensors including an all sky camera. It is located outside the settlement of Ny-Ålesund, approximately 1 km N-NW of the airport towards Brandalspynten. The array of sensors is mounted on a tripod under a transparent dome. This dataset contains the data of the hyperspectral radiometer USSIMO (In-situ Marine Optics, Perth, WA, Australia). It is equipped with a Zeiss MMS1 UV-VIS NIR detector with National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA traceable radiometric calibration between 380 and 900 nm. This instrument is used for time-series measurement of down-welling spectral irradiance in energy Wm-2 nm-1. Spectral resolution is 10 nm (3.3 nm pixel spacing) and a cosine-corrected polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) light diffusor with cosine error: <3% (0 - 60°), <10% (60 - 87.5°), is fitted. The device acquired measurements with a 16 bit analogue to digital converter. It samples continuously internally. Integration time is controlled by the sensor depending on the light intensity, with a maximum of 6 seconds. Actual integration time is stored with the data in each sample. The sensor output is saved on a PC with custom software which records 30 seconds of output data every 29:30 min. Number of samples collected in that period depends on the USSIMO integration time. The sensor is equipped with a pitch and roll sensor which is used to ensure that the spectroradiometer remains in the fixed position throughout the time-series acquisition. This dataset cotains the 2017 raw data.
Science publication
Paper in preparation (primary)
Rights Holder
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT)
Data Manager
Daniel Ludwig Vogedes
Daniel Ludwig Vogedes
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