Title Temperature, salinity, light and chl a measurements from the Kongsfjorden SIOS marine observatory January-September 2020
Domain: Natural sciences, Field: Earth science, Subfield: Oceanography
Published 2021-02-19
Jørgen Berge
Finlo Cottier
Tomasz Kopec
Estelle Dumont
Emily Venables
Daniel Vogedes
Dataset (14.57 MB)
The dataset is part of a long-term time series of marine observatory data in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. The observatory was established in 2006. The normal dataset range is August/September to August/September in the following in year. Due to logistical issues, in 2019 no observatory was deployed. Instead, in January 2020, an observatory with a limited set of instrumentation was deployed and recovered in September. The limited set of instrument consisted of a range of temperature sensors and a CTD with auxiliary fluorescence and light (PAR) sensors. The data in this dataset is quality controlled raw data. The fluorescence sensor is not calibrated, data from this sensor can only be used to determine a relative change in fluorescence during the deployment period. In can NOT be used to determine absolute chlorophyll concentrations.
Science publication
No publication: Motivation: The dataset is part of a long-term marine observatory on Svalbard (established 2006). Data is split into annual archives. It is not possible to assign specific publications to specific datasets, as many publications use parts of the dataset. (primary)
Rights Holder
UiT The Arctic University of Tromsø (UiT)
Data Manager
Daniel Ludwig Vogedes
Daniel Ludwig Vogedes
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