Title NorESM-F_LIG115_LIG125_year_4951-5000
Domain: Natural sciences, Field: Earth science, Subfield: Oceanography
Published 2018-11-29
Augustin Kessler
Dataset (147.66 GB)
NorESM-F Last interglacial simulations. Data description: case = NBF1850OC_f19_tn11_01_115ka_4000ak; NBF1850OC_f19_tn11_01_125ka_4000ake ; Source = CAM ; Variables = lev:hybrid level at midpoints (1000*(A+B)) ; hyam:hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints ; hybm:hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints ; ilev:hybrid level at interfaces (1000*(A+B)) ; hyai:hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces ; hybi:hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces ; P0:reference pressure ; time:time ; date:current date (YYYYMMDD) ; datesec:current seconds of current date ; lat:latitude ; lon:longitude ; slat:staggered latitude ; slon:staggered longitude ; w_stag:staggered latitude weights ; time_bnds:time interval endpoints ; ntrm:spectral truncation parameter M ; ntrn:spectral truncation parameter N ; ntrk:spectral truncation parameter K ; ndbase:base day ; nsbase:seconds of base day ; nbdate:base date (YYYYMMDD) ; nbsec:seconds of base date ; mdt:timestep ; nlon:number of longitudes ; wnummax:cutoff Fourier wavenumber ; gw:gauss weights ; ndcur:current day (from base day) ; nscur:current seconds of current day ; co2vmr:co2 volume mixing ratio ; ch4vmr:ch4 volume mixing ratio ; n2ovmr:n2o volume mixing ratio ; f11vmr:f11 volume mixing ratio ; f12vmr:f12 volume mixing ratio ; sol_tsi:total solar irradiance ; nsteph:current timestep ; CLDHGH:Vertically-integrated high cloud ; CLDLOW:Vertically-integrated low cloud ; CLDMED:Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud ; CLDTOT:Vertically-integrated total cloud ; CLOUD:Cloud fraction ; FLDS:Downwelling longwave flux at surface ; FLDSC:Clearsky downwelling longwave flux at surface ; FLNS:Net longwave flux at surface ; FLNSC:Clearsky net longwave flux at surface ; FLNT:Net longwave flux at top of model ; FLNTC:Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model ; FLUT:Upwelling longwave flux at top of model ; FLUTC:Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model ; FSDS:Downwelling solar flux at surface ; FSDSC:Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface ; FSDTOA:Downwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSNS:Net solar flux at surface ; FSNSC:Clearsky net solar flux at surface ; FSNT:Net solar flux at top of model ; FSNTC:Clearsky net solar flux at top of model ; FSNTOA:Net solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSNTOAC:Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere ; FSUTOA:Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere ; ICEFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice ; LANDFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by land ; LHFLX:Surface latent heat flux ; LWCF:Longwave cloud forcing ; OCNFRAC:Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean ; OMEGA:Vertical velocity (pressure) ; OMEGA500:Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface ; OMEGA850:Vertical velocity at 850 mbar pressure surface ; PBLH:PBL height ; PRECC:Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PRECL:Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PRECT:Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) ; PS:Surface pressure ; PSL:Sea level pressure ; Q:Specific humidity ; QFLX:Surface water flux ; QREFHT:Reference height humidity ; RELHUM:Relative humidity ; RHREFHT:Reference height relative humidity ; SHFLX:Surface sensible heat flux ; SNOWHICE:Water equivalent snow depth ; SNOWHLND:Water equivalent snow depth ; SOLIN:Solar insolation ; SOLLD:Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface ; SOLSD:Solar downward visible diffuse to surface ; SRFRAD:Net radiative flux at surface ; SWCF:Shortwave cloud forcing ; T:Temperature ; T1000:Temperature at 1000 mbar pressure surface ; T200:Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface ; T500:Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface ; T700:Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface ; T850:Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface ; TAUX:Zonal surface stress ; TAUY:Meridional surface stress ; TGCLDLWP:Total grid-box cloud liquid water path ; TMQ:Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water ; TREFHT:Reference height temperature ; TS:Surface temperature (radiative) ; TSMN:Minimum surface temperature over output period ; TSMX:Maximum surface temperature over output period ; U:Zonal wind ; U10:10m wind speed ; U200:Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface ; U850:Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface ; V:Meridional wind ; V200:Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface ; V850:Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface ; Z050:Geopotential Z at 50 mbar pressure surface ; Z100:Geopotential Z at 100 mbar pressure surface ; Z200:Geopotential Z at 200 mbar pressure surface ; Z3:Geopotential Height (above sea level) ; Z300:Geopotential Z at 300 mbar pressure surface ; Z500:Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface ; Z700:Geopotential Z at 700 mbar pressure surface ; Source = MICOM ; Variables = time:time ; sigma:Potential density ; depth:z level ; pco2:Surface PCO2 ; dmsflux:DMS flux ; co2fxd:Downward CO2 flux ; co2fxu:Upward CO2 flux ; fgo2:Oxygen flux ; fgn2:Nitrogen flux ; dms:DMS ; dmsprod:DMS production from phytoplankton production ; dms_bac:DMS bacterial consumption ; dms_uv:DMS photolysis reduction ; epc100:Export production ; epsi100:Si export production ; epcalc100:Ca export production ; carflx0100:C flux at 100m ; carflx0500:C flux at 500m ; carflx1000:C flux at 1000m ; carflx2000:C flux at 2000m ; bsiflx0100:Opal flux at 100m ; bsiflx0500:Opal flux at 500m ; bsiflx1000:Opal flux at 1000m ; bsiflx2000:Opal flux at 2000m ; calflx0100:CaCO3 flux at 100m ; calflx0500:CaCO3 flux at 500m ; calflx1000:CaCO3 flux at 1000m ; calflx2000:CaCO3 flux at 2000m ; atmco2:Atmospheric CO2 ; Source = CLM ; Variables = levgrnd:coordinate soil levels ; levlak:coordinate lake levels ; edgen:northern edge of surface grid ; edgee:eastern edge of surface grid ; edges:southern edge of surface grid ; edgew:western edge of surface grid ; time:time ; mcdate:current date (YYYYMMDD) ; mcsec:current seconds of current date ; mdcur:current day (from base day) ; mscur:current seconds of current day ; nstep:time step ; time_bounds:history time interval endpoints ; lon:coordinate longitude ; lat:coordinate latitude ; lonatm:atm coordinate longitude ; latatm:atm coordinate latitude ; lonrof:runoff coordinate longitude ; latrof:runoff coordinate latitude ; longxy:longitude ; latixy:latitude ; area:grid cell areas ; areaupsc:normalized grid cell areas related to upscaling ; topo:grid cell topography ; topodnsc:normalized grid cell topography related to downscaling ; landfrac:land fraction ; landmask:land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) ; pftmask:pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) ; indxupsc:upscaling atm global grid index ; longxyatm:atm longitude ; latixyatm:atm latitude ; areaatm:atm grid cell areas ; ZSOI:soil depth ; DZSOI:soil thickness ; WATSAT:saturated soil water content (porosity) ; SUCSAT:saturated soil matric potential ; BSW:slope of soil water retention curve ; HKSAT:saturated hydraulic conductivity ; FSNO:fraction of ground covered by snow ; SNOWDP:snow height ; SOILWATER_10CM:soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil ; Source = CICE ; Variables = time:model time ; time_bounds:boundaries for time-averaging interval ; TLON:T grid center longitude ; TLAT:T grid center latitude ; ULON:U grid center longitude ; ULAT:U grid center latitude ; tarea:area of T grid cells ; ANGLE:angle grid makes with latitude line on U grid ; hi:grid cell mean ice thickness ; hs:grid cell mean snow thickness ; fs:grid cell mean snow fraction ; aice:ice area (aggregate) ; uvel:ice velocity (x) ; vvel:ice velocity (y) ; transix:ice mass transport (x) on East side ; transiy:ice mass transport (y) on North side ; Science publication: Published: https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-14-1961-2018 ;Clim. Past, 14, 1961-976, 2018
Science publication
Accepted for publication : URL: https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-2018-77 (primary)
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Augustin Kessler
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Augustin Kessler
Augustin Kessler
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